API Docs

Current Version:v2.0.0(changelog)


Returns the details of the block with the given hash.

Returns the details of the block at the given height.

Returns the details of the block header with the given hash.

Returns the details of the block header at the given height.

Returns basic details about the chain tip.


Returns the details of the transaction with the given txid.


Returns the current supply of Bitcoin. An estimate using a checkpoint can be returned in 2 cases: on 'slow' devices, and before the UTXO Set snapshot is loaded.

Returns the latest UTXO Set snapshot. Warning: This call can be very slow, depending on node hardware and index configurations.

Returns details about the next, upcoming halving.


Returns a summary of data pertaining to the given address. The output of this call will depend heavily on the configured 'Address API' (see .env-sample file). If an Address API is configured, transactions related to the given address will be returned (the below optional parameters apply to those transactions).
Optional parameters
limitNumber of transactions to return
offsetOffset into transactions
sortSorting direction for transactions ('desc'=new first, 'asc'=old first)


Returns details for the specified extended public key, including related keys and addresses.
Optional parameters
limitThe number of addresses to return
offsetOffset into the list of addresses

Returns a list of addresses derived from the given [xyz]pub.
Optional parameters
receiveOrChange0 for 'receive' addresses (default); 1 for 'change' addresses
limitNumber of addresses to return
offsetOffset into addresses

Returns a list of transaction IDs associated with the given [xyz]pub.
Optional parameters
gapLimitLimit of empty addresses to end searching for transactions (default: 20)
addressLimitForced limit on the number of addresses to search through (both 'receive' and 'change' addresses up to this number will be searched)


Returns the network hash rate, estimated over the last 1, 7, 30, 90, and 365 days.

Returns the current estimate for the next difficulty adjustment as a percentage.

Returns a summary for the estimated next block to be mined (produced via getblocktemplate).

Returns a list of the transaction IDs included in the estimated next block to be mined (produced via getblocktemplate).

Returns whether the specified transaction ID is included in the estimated next block to be mined (produced via getblocktemplate).

Returns whether the specified transaction ID is included in the estimated next block to be mined (produced via getblocktemplate).
Optional parameters
sinceUse the form 'Nd' to specify the number of day to look back (e.g. 'since=7d' will analyze the last 7 days)
startHeight+endHeightUse these 2 parameters to specify a custom start/end height (e.g. 'startHeight=0&endHeight=24' to analyze the first 25 blocks)


Returns the number of transactions in Bitcoin Core's mempool.

Returns a summary of Bitcoin Core's mempool (full output from 'getmempoolinfo')

Returns recommended fee rates in sats/vB for next block, ~30 min, 1 hr, and 1 day.


Returns the price of 1 BTC, in USD, EUR, GBP, and XAU
Optional parameters
formatSet to 'true' to include thousands-separator formatting in results

Returns the market cap of Bitcoin, in USD, EUR, GBP, XAU

Returns the price of 1 unit of [USD, EUR, GBP, XAU] (e.g. 1 "usd") in satoshis (aka "Moscow Time")


Returns the full curated list of Bitcoin quotes.

Returns the Bitcoin quote with the given index from the curated list.

Returns a random Bitcoin quote from the curated list.

Returns the full curated list of Bitcoin Holidays.

Returns the Bitcoin Holidays celebrated 'today' (i.e. at the time the API call is made).
Optional parameters
tzOffsetThe number of hours to offset from UTC for the caller's local timezone, e.g. "-5" for EST

Returns the Bitcoin Holidays celebrated on the specified day, using one of the following formats: yyyy-MM-DD, MM-DD.


Returns the semantic version of the public API, which is maintained separate from the app version.